Striking Out
at Stress

Stress is robbing millions of Americans of a fuller, happier life and is the cause or catalyst in the majority of today's illnesses. Physicians believe that 75% or more of modern disease is stress related. Dr. LeCrone shares the program he has successfully used in his counseling sessions which shows you:

  • Early warning signals of life with too much stress

  • How to take control and organize your life's events to reduce stress

  • How to handle more stressful situations with less negative results

  • The keys to less stress that come with a basis for everyday living (holistic and spiritual development)

  • Techniques that reduce dangerous stress overloads without medication

  • Relaxation methods that can keep you from the build-up of dangerous reactions to stress.

Available as audio recording.

Parting with

A program designed to teach you the techniques for comping with pain using self-control and relaxation procedures. Used with over 6,000 patients in Dr. LeCrone’s care for chronic pain in conjunction with other treatment procedures like biofeedback and TNS.

  • Become aware of early cues or signals of the onset of pain and learn to control the pain rather than allowing the pain to control you. This pain treatment module is designed to help patients cope more effectively with chronic pain such as low back pain, myofacial pain, arthritis, pahontom limb pain, menstrual distress, and neck injuries.

  • Discusses differences between chronic and acute pain and how these frequently need different types of treatment.

  • Useful in counteracting patients' attitudes such as "Do they think Im' crazy?" or "Does this doctor think the pain is all in my head?"

  • Teaches individuals to break the cycle of pain, Tension-Anxiety-Pain, by practicing deep muscle relaxation learned from one fo the cassettes.

Available as audio recording.

Make It Happen

Short articles on topics including Marriage & Family, Stress, Parenting, and Health & Psychology.


Broken Dreams -
America’s Lost Children

“Teens in trouble” is a common topic of conversation in today’s world and, well it might be. The frenetic pace of society has put enormous pressure on everyone, and our children are not immune. However, all the talk has produced little or even negative effects, creating a fear that has exaggerated an admittedly serious problem. Thomas O. Burkig, PhD., offers a voice from the trenches as he has been fighting a war against the troubles that plague children as a therapist in his book Broken Dreams: America’s Lost Children, depicting a war of love, not against the children, but against the causes of their difficulties. A voice of reason and hope, Dr. Burkig presents a compelling case for increasing our efforts and the rewards will be enormous.

Seminars, Workshops, & Consultation

For Business, Educational, Medical, and Civic Groups. Topics include:

  • Stress

  • Burnout

  • Marriage & Family

  • Parenting

  • Conflict Resolution

  • Improved Communication

  • Longevity

  • Healthy and Wellness

  • Successful Aging

  • Mental Fitness

  • Forensic Consultation: legal issues related to aging, sexual harassment, stress and related issues.